GPS Tracklog length
5,9 km
Min Altitude
439 m
Max Altitude
755 m
Avg Speed
24,54 km/h
Max Speed
44,31 km/h
Flight Time

13m20s (Flight Time)
0m58s (on the Ground)

Total Flight Time
13m20s (93%)
Total on the Ground
0m58s (7%)

Core 1
01m52s (+-0,2 m/s)

Avg Speed
24,54 km/h
Max Speed
44,31 km/h

Altitude loss
--346 m

500 m
-302 m
500 m
-302 m
500 m
-301 m
500 m
-301 m

Min Altitude
439 m
Max Altitude
755 m
Altitude gain
44 m
Altitude loss
-346 m

Avg Speed
24,54 km/h
Max Speed
44,31 km/h

Avg Speed
24,54 km/h

Key Statistics

24,54 km/h
Avg Speed
1,2 km
ø 5,6 km/h
△ FAI Distance Triangle
0 pts
△ FAI Score Triangle
1 pts
▽ XC Triangle
0,7 km
◬ Triangle
1,9 km
ø 8,7 km/h
⟷ Free Distance
1,4 km
ø 6,2 km/h
⤞ Open Distance
5,9 km
GPS Tracklog length
755 m
Max Altitude
0,0 m/s
Max Climb
44,31 km/h
Max Speed
439 m
Min Altitude
44 m
Altitude gain
Time Spent Circling
Transition Time
49 °
Average Wind Bearing
9,7 km/h
Average Wind Speed
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Detailed Statistics

GPS Tracklog length 5,9 km
Point to point 1,44 km
⤞ Open Distance 1,4 km ø 6,2 km/h
⟷ Free Distance 1,9 km ø 8,7 km/h
◬ Triangle 0,7 km
△ FAI Distance Triangle 1,2 km ø 5,6 km/h
▽ XC Triangle 1 pts
Min Altitude 439 m
Max Altitude 755 m
Maximum Positive Elevation 25 m
Minimum Positive Elevation -41 m
Altitude gain 44 m
Altitude loss -346 m
Avg Speed 24,54 km/h
Max Speed 44,31 km/h
Mean Positive Vario 0,5 m/s
Max Sink -3,1 m/s
Time Spent Circling 1m52s
% turns to the right 34,7 %
% turns to the left 65,3 %
Total Turn Count 19
Thermals count 1
Transition Time 11m44s
Average Wind Speed 9,7 km/h
Average Wind Bearing 49 °
Battery level at the end of recording 100 %